Thursday, 20 March 2014

Things Betwixt

As tutorial areas go it wasn't bad, spells a lot more out than DS1 that's for sure. The 3 prophetic witches (lifted straight from MacBeth) don't provide much insight other than "you are cursed, ha ha". They do give a little more context to you customizing your appearance which probably isn't wholly necessary but I'm sure some will appreciate it. I picked the Warrior and one of the two unexplained gifts, the petrified thingy. The other gifts are hardly game-changers so it wasn't a real risk.

The only new dynamic introduced is that of the torch and lighting pedestals along the way. Looking forward to seeing how this is utilized later in the game.

I only realized the instructional bit of the tutorial was optional when I'd finally finished clicking through all of the message stones detailing the commands. There was a "boss", well a big enemy, whom I left to his own devices having amassed the princely sum of 900 souls!

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